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8 Steps to Eating Less Sugar

We talk a lot about how carbs are not bad for you. But, here’s the catch. Sugar is a simple carb and can be detrimental to your pageant diet. (Read: 56 Sneaky Names for Sugar that are Ruining Your Pageant Diet)
Sugar makes you feel great but leaves you crashing shortly after. There are so many foods that are secretly packed with sugar (and you probably don’t even realize it). Chances are, you won’t realize how much your energy and health can be improved by eliminated added sugar from your diet until you try it.
According to personal trainer Jackie Caroe, if you don’t have proper training and nutrition, you’re only hurting your progress towards your pageant goal! Clean eating means cutting out all the processed foods from your diet, so processed sugar should be one of the first things to go.
Keep reading to find out how to cut sugar out of your diet in eight easy steps.

8 Steps to Eating Less Sugar

Now that you know how to get your diet back on track, it’s time to get serious about your training. Talk to one of our Personal Trainers about getting started today.

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